A Real Test of the Martingale Strategy

by on July 4, 2012

This is an example of the Martingale system being used. You can see from the video that it’s actually a very simple technique but there are certain drawbacks which only become apparent when you start using it.

Remember this game took place virtually in a real casino in Dublin. It is situated in Fitzwilliam Street and all games are live an not recorded ones. The beauty of this is you get to play using a real roulette wheel and not some computer simulation of one. If you want to test out any system I strongly recommend trying it on this game first. The free play version is identical and is perfect for practising or testing roulette systems.

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Thueon August 24, 2012 at 10:01 pm

No of course not.If you were to look at the math, you’d see that umalittely, in order to profit, you’d still need to win the same number of bets as you would if you were keeping your bets the same. At first it doesn’t seem like that, it seems like you can just lose most of your bets and catch up with one big one. But look at the big picture. For each individual bet, the odds are against you, so:- you’re losing most of your 1st bets- losing most of your 2nd, 3rd, etc. bets- losing most of your final betsSo you’re not making money from any of the bets in your sequence. And when you reach the final bet, most of the time you lose and have to eat your losses. In the long run you lose exactly the same amount you would have, had you kept all your bets the same (whatever the average bet of your martingale is).


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