An Introduction to the Paroli Roulette System

by on May 26, 2012

The Paroli system (also known as Reverse Martingale) is an extremely popular roulette system that many people use to try and increase their chances of success.  It has many different names and you might also see it referred to as the Positive Progression system especially in North American casinos.  It is roughly the exact opposite to the famous Martingale Roulette system at least in terms of fundamentals.

So How Does Paroli Work?

Well with the Paroli system you begin with an initial modest stake and double it each time you win.  This is contrasted with Martingale where you double on a loss in order to recoup your losses.

If you’ve ever played roulette, you’re probably familiar with even money bets. These are simple bets which divide the outcome into two parts like Red/Black, High/Low or even Odd/Even. The odds on these bets are much higher than others, although corresspondingly the payouts are obviously lower. To ensure you maximise your chances of winning you must always start with the even money bets with Paroli.   Also to increase your chances you should also ensure you play on a European wheel whenever possible, as these have one less zero than American tables.  But nevertheless you must keep your initial stake low and in keeping with your bankroll.

So lets take an initial example, lets say we start with betting $1 on even numbers.   The wheel is spun and the game continues.  If the ball lands on an even number then you win.  Therefore you must double your initial bet, which will now be 2 dollars for the next spin.  If you win the next spin then you must double again to 4 dollars.  You keep doubling up every single time you win.  However as soon as you lose a bet, then you should switch back to your initial stake and begin again.

Important Paroli Concept

A crucial part about Paroli is that you need to have a predetermined point at which to stop.  Perhaps it could be that when you have won 4 successive wins, then your game is over.  If that is your goal it is crucial that you stop on that fourth win  .You should stop when you have reached your goal and leave the table, at worse you should begin from your initial stake.

People who do well out of Paroli are the ones who play with such discipline and maximise their opportunities.  There are reasons why the Paroli system is so popular, it is easy to understand and you really don’t need a lot of money to play it.  This is of course as long as you make a small intial bet.  The system is also an excellent way to enjoy some time at the tables without losing a bundle when your luck is against you. The reason people fail with the Paroli system is normally down to human error.   Some people find it difficult to stop when they have successive wins.  Keep your head, stick to your plan and with a little luck you can do well with Paroli.

If your luck is not there then at least you will keep a lid on your losses.Youl shouldn’t make any decisions about your overall plan when you are the table.  It’s vital to determine your plan very clearly before  you start playing.  Remember as with all the systems here, the Paroli System doesn’t increase your chances of winning at all.  There is no system in existence that will guarantee a win, at least no legal one!

The Paroli strategy is useful in providing a methodical framework to your play.  People who do best at the roulette tables play methodically like this.   So give it a try, test it out on one of our free play roulette games here.  Define a session plan with your exit criteria and follow that plan exactly.  Make a note of your wins/losses and see what your position is.  Then you can decide if the Paroli is something you’d like to use playing either online or at a real casino.

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